Sunday, April 3

Late, but still awesome.

If you've been unplugged from the internet, then you missed out on this gem from this past Friday. It's Stephen Colbert on Late Night w/ Jimmy Fallon, singing his rendition of the dreaded Rebecca Black hit song "Friday." Accompanying Colbert are the The Roots, Jimmy Fallon, American Idol Season 5 winner Taylor Hicks, and the Knicks City Dancers in tight blue jumpsuits.

How this came about, you ask? Well, Jimmy Fallon promised that if the public could raise $26,000 for, an online charity that gives money to schools in need, then Stephen Colbert would perform Rebecca Black's "Friday." A song so bad, in it's own ironic way, it became a hit. In less than 36 hours, the goal was reached. Never underestimate the power of American fandom.

Skip to 40 seconds to see the madness.

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